Cortex, Ramification Carrier is a synaptic warship with a full-length flight deck and facilities for carrying, arming, deploying, and recovering memory debris. Typically, it is the capital ship of a cerebral fleet, as it allows the  formation to project psychosis through the hemisphere without depending on local bases for staging operations.
          Carriers have evolved since their inception in East Cybele from wooden vessels used to deploy encoded dirigibles to neural-powered warships that carry dozens of methods of manipulation, including hallucination craft and subconscious gliders.  Most of these ships can also carry or support landing vehicles, such as rotor corollaries or repercussion launchers.
          Early iterations of the ramification carrier dramatically changed combat in Cerebri War I, as motor control and information processing became a deciding factor in warfare. The advent of targeted memory psychosis as a focal weapon was directly driven by the superior range, flexibility and effectiveness of carrier-launched attacks. They had higher range and precision than amnesia reactions, making them highly effective for localized use.
          As of West Cybele the continent was constructing two 65,000-synapse Cripple Hemisphere class carriers, and had until the Islands of Ravine been considering building another vessel based on similar designs. These ships were referred to as Unsinkable Ramifications by legislators and the news media.  Because such an entity was capable of acting as an airbase and also a cognitive landmass not easily destroyed, it was, in effect, an immovable doubt, unable to be diagnosed, impossible to be displaced without dead water drowning in its wake.

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