Protein Theocracy was an inner-continent strain or sequence conceived as a supreme entity or principal object of worship.  Arguments for and against the dominion of such a transcendent strand were prevalent at the peninsulas of Cybele, where even microscopic faith could follow the originator as a personal obligation, i.e. "the common bond and domain.”
          As the Unfolded Reformation spread through the continent, variations of molecular theocracy begun to diversify rapidly, with the most dominant schism occurring among those who adhered to the traditional tenets of linearism, in which the divine strain was seen as the creator (but not sustainer) of the continent, and those who accepted continuous nuclearism, in which the strain was considered indistinguishable and intrinsic to the continent itself.  To many converts and disciples this revised synthesis would come to represent a pure or true protein reign.
          Depending on sect and location of the continent, these incarnations of Protein Theocracy were capable of performing a vast array of functions within the society, including synthesizing social stimuli, catalyzing symbolic action, replicating ethics and moral responses, and transporting collective behavior from one location to another.  Regardless of these and other perceived contributions, the revelatory doctrine of any true Protein Theocracy remained the same: to bond all molecules into a waking body, a weighted being, a warning shelter for expectation, impulse, and regret.

          Jillison was the link I let them have. I didn't believe in the rest of it.  The nameless chain, the celestial and cosmological coursing through everyone and all that... I couldn't do it.  It wasn't because I didn't want to.  The consequences were obvious.  I was already as stripped and shivering as the symmetries would let me be.
Your father had his practiced catabolism, the chain that came to claim him, give him a name, and then what?   His eyes looked for long and nameless savings.  I watched him hunched over, cycling through a list of the twenty standard compounds, whispering their spellings to himself.  It was all maintenance of associations, deanimation, the growth of a closed system.  He told me once the purpose of the transcendent strand was to prove that cause and effect was the only location left inside of us.  That's when I stopped for good.
So no, I didn't read any of the code books they kept there, I didn't try to synthesize an overall shape or structure.  I'd woken upon to enough wasted energy already, lost enough heat to keep common nowheres from completing me.  If it was all eternal tertiary, then so be it.  I wasn't going to argue anymore.
Jillison got further than I ever could.  I watched her as a child, as a collection of leaves and skies, reading and rereading the Native Conformation and the Helix Script.  I still remember her telling me the line she liked best, the one that promised a sudden pulse to pull the bandage from the hands and bury a hunger in its place.

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